Thursday, 22 March 2012

Fatelessnesss: Chapter 2

1.-Annnamarie, the mother, and the sisters were mentioned in chapter 1 but really come into the story in chapter 2.

A.- Uncle Lajos page 29
"Uncle Lajos then drew me aside to exchange a few words of a more serious nature, among wich he exhorted me not to forget that whn I was at the workplace I was not representing  myself alone but" the entire Jewish Community"

B)Annamarie page 39
"after some more time, she was even willing to go and look at the fish with me, and by the time we returned tot he other room, we had completely patched things up. Later on that evening, she made one more remark about it all: "The was our first quarrel", she said."

3-. Narrative, First person:
"For all that I still climbed onto the rearmost platform of the last car of the streetcar as usual, in compliance with the pertinent regulation."
4-. Takes place in the Jewish community in Budapest, especially in the house of the protagonist and their neighbours houses. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Nazi Propaganda


What political message(s) are these pictures trying to convey?

They are trying to convince people that the Nazis have the best ideology and politics. This includes that the Jews are bad and that with the Nazis there are benefits such as the Volkswagen car that meant you did not need to be rich to have a car.

What image of Germans are these pictures trying to convey?
They convey the picture of a nation united through one leader, a prosperous nation and a nation that follows the same ideology and has the same ideas.

How do they portray this image? 
The picture shows their leader sowing the seeds for the nation and on the BBC website the heading is "Sower of peace" so this could be a translation of the heading thus trying to show Hitler as a peaceful man and possibly provider for the country.
 What colors are used?
Light colours are used to create a felling of freshness.

How do the people look?
The people either look happy or serious except from the ones about people the Nazis persecuted such as the Jews, these people look unhappy.

What characteristics of these men are similar?
They look mostly serious or important/powerful.

How do the artists convey these characteristics?
In the facial expression and the cloths they are wearing also the facial features such as tidy hair.  

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Holocaust

The Holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds perished. In particular, over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust, as were approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men. It is seen as the worst atrocity of all time due to the amount of people who were murdered because of their religion. Adolf Hitler also order the persecution and extermination of other races, religions and minority groups.


Hitler achieved this through the use of laws and propaganda. These laws removed all of the rights, the citizenship and belongings that they had and simply kept them segregated from the rest of society much like the blacks were segregated in the U.S.A. As the war progressed he decided something needed to be done with the Jews, many plans were thought up including moving them all to Madagascar or another place on the planet. In the end as the war was not going well they opted for the use of concentration camps. In the concentration camps they were either forced to work, maybe dying from this or they were executed directly in the gas chambers and there bodies buried in mass graves.

Quite often in the history of the planet one race has persecuted and dominated another and what Hitler did he must have thought right and correct otherwise it would not have happened. To kill people just because you don't like them can't be allowed to happen otherwise there would nearly no one on the planet because people don't like everyone they meet or know. It would have much better for Hitler to have simply gone with plan to move them away from Europe as the memory and the sadness that people feel connected with the holocaust would be less. In my opinion it was an unnecessary act to have done.  

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Refugee Blues

  1. As you read in the introduction, the poem was written half a year before the outbreak of World War II. However, the reader can pinpoint the three major protagonists whose paths will cross tragically in the course of the war. Complete the following sentences:
    1. The victims are the… The Jews
    2. The perpetrators are the… The Nazis
    3. The bystanders are the… The rest of the world

  1. What particular factors led an individual to be defined as belonging to this or that group?
If the individual was a Jew then they were part of the group of victims. If showed without problem in public that they thought all the Jews were bad and should be killed and also showed other beliefs like the Nazis they were in the group perpetrators with the Nazis. If they didn't show what they thought on the matter and let it go on they were a bystander.

  1. Of the three groups, which was the largest? Is their any connection between your answer and the term ‘The Silent Majority’?
The largest group is the bystanders, the rest of the world. They are connected to the term ‘The Silent Majority’ because they did not express their opinions about the matter publicly as many of them disagreed about what was happening.

  1. What possible relationships could have developed between the victims and the bystanders?
The victims may feel anger as the bystanders stood by while they were persecuted and treated like dirt. The victims may feel thanks to some of the bystanders who did not stand by completely but helped them in one way or another.  

  1. Auden presents different situations in which prohibitions against the victims multiply and effectively turn them into refugees. Identify and list some of these prohibitions. What does it mean to have these things taken away from you?
In the first verse it talks about how they place for them referring to somewhere to live. In the forth verse it says that if they didn't have a passport they were dead according to the government taking away there life. The sixth verse says how they were thought to be thieves and they didn't have bread. Having these things taken away means you have no food, no home and in the eyes of the government you are dead.

  1. State bureaucracies are crucial in the lives of ordinary citizens, not to mention threatened population groups like the homeless or people evicted from their homes. Identify the different functionaries or objects that represent bureaucracies for Auden.
They are the consul and the public meeting speaker.

  1. In your opinion, who is a refugee? Can one become a refugee in one’s own home?
Any person who moves from there home which could include country, town or house because have been persecuted because of race, social group or political standing amongst others. One can not be a refugee in one's home they must move away first to be a refugee.

  1. How can state bureaucracies help refugees or hinder efforts to help?
They may or may not empathise with the person and could be helpful to them or send them in circles. It depends on the culture of the place where the refugee goes and if there is a lot of refugees already there, this decides whether they will help or not.

  1. In your opinion, should governments today have the responsibility to take care of refugees in their country?
    Alternatively, what is the role of society in absorbing refugees? Think of schools, sports clubs, the scout movement and other organizations in your country.
I think that the government most try to help them but there must be a positive response from the refugee within a few years. They must try to learn the language if it is different, they must work and they must be comply with the local customs and be respectful in this way they will be respected as well. Schools, sports clubs and other organizations should try to help the person as well but the same response must be seen. The problem comes when there is a great influx of refugees and this should not happen they should distributed across the plant to different places as when there is to many in one place the people living there don't like and so it is bad for everyone.